The Benchmarking Network, Inc. is an international resource for business process research and metrics. We lead studies with over 140,000 process leaders in over 165 countries. We provide benchmarking training and research to individual companies, professional and trade associations, and industry and process based groups. Since 1992, our over 300 benchmarking studies have spanned virtually all processes and industries to identify measures and collect data to identify best practices.
Tap into our existing databases of over 300 studies that are available to assist in jump-starting your benchmarking efforts. Since no database can cover all needs, we also support more customized research activities.
The Benchmarking Network has conducted over 3,000 site visits with companies to collect best practice information.
Not ready to become a full-fledged member yet? See how you can use our databases, resources and contacts to facilitate your Benchmarking efforts. With over 300 completed studies, we have a comprehensive process and metric database to support your efforts.
Contact us directly via our Information Request Form. Its quick and easy, and we'll get in contact with you fast!
Benchmarking how it should be done; not just data but real people in face-to-face process discussions. Our process includes:
- Solidot | 公民实验室:普通公民的“中情局”:2021-1-15 · 目前已有多个版本问世,其中赛风2是网页版伋理,而赛风3则是利用VPN和HTTP伋理技术的软件,支持安卓系统。 公民实验室:普通公民的“中情局” 2021年01月15日 17时40分
- Gathering databases of details and comparable measures
- Collecting detailed process information
- Identifying best practices and performers
- Face to face site visits with "Best Practice" companies
We conduct a number of online surveys in a variety of topics. Currently, we are looking for both survey sponsors and participants.
- Sponsors define their own survey and topics
- Member participants can fill out surveys and receive results online in real time.
Register here for membership in The Benchmarking Network and its international associations. Members are informed about upcoming Benchmarking studies and roundtables, receive newsletters and are added to the interest list for our projects. See how you can tap our databases, contacts and resources for your Benchmarking efforts!
With your membership you will receive:
- A subscription to the E-Benchmarking Newsletter
- The opportunity to become involved in upcoming round table discussions.
- The privilege of being invited into ongoing studies.
- initializationerror错误的解决_贝小木-CSDN博客:2021-9-10 · initializationerror错误,升级或更换junit-jar包就可伍了,个别jar包不稳定,所伍尝试更换一下junit的jar基本上就能解决! 今天在学Spring的时候,做了一个ioc的小案例,结果遇到了这个错误, initializationerror错误,第一次见很新奇,查了几个百度文档,众说纷纭,没办法只能一个一个尝试他伊的 …
We work to fit your process improvement needs on a variety of levels.
We access companies by:
- Assembling groups of companies
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- Scheduling and leading site visits
- 新的破网神器,赛风3出来啦!:2021-5-31 · 我这里现在连赛风2 提供的网址也打不开了 已记录 突破大中华局域网!!! torbridge 注册用户 帖子: 166 Re: 新的破网神器,赛风3出来啦! « 回复 #23 于: 九月 30, 2021, 04:52:39 am ...
The Benchmarking Network sponsors a number of associations to gather people with common interests. Membership in the association is provided at no cost. As companies sponsor efforts, members are invited by the sponsors to participate. We do not disclose the names of the sponsors. Only invited members are allowed to participate in a study. Participants also receive a summary of the study findings
A Fasttrakk™ study is a rapid methodology that derives results from telephone interviews. The advantages are speed and cost. A Fasttrakk™ is ideal as a start to identify key performance gaps and target more comprehensive Benchmarking activities
Here are a few of our top industry focused sites. To see a complete list, use the drop-down menu below.
- 赛 风3 安卓版百度云
- Financial and Banking
- Pharmaceutical
- Electric Utility
- 赛 风3 安卓版百度云
- Manufacturing
- Health Care
Here are a few of our top process focused sites. To see a complete list, use the drop-down menu below.
- Procurement and Supply Chain
- Human Resources
- Contact Center
- Customer Satisfaction
- Infomation Systems
- Environmental
- Six Sigma
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Phone: 1-281-440-5044
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